The game pitch document for Mythos has surfaced on the internet. Mythos was a multiplayer RPG developed by the now defunct Flagship Studios.
The game pitch document for Mythos has surfaced on the internet. Mythos was a multiplayer RPG developed by the now defunct Flagship Studios.
Several game design documents and the original game proposal for Azrael’s Tear can be found on the website of Matthew Stibbe. Azrael’s Tear is a first-person adventure game released in 1996.
As part of the “Indie developer science fair”, the website Polygon released the official pitch document for The Flame in the Flood video game from the studio The Molasses Flood. This pitch was mainly used for press and investors. On the linked page the lead designer, Forrest Dowling, describes how this document was used. The other pages from Polygon about the science fair are interesting to read as well.
The “Independent AAA” game developer Ninja Theory is quite open about it’s game design methods. On their website you can find the game concepts for the unreleased game Razer, including design docs and concept art. Also the combat design document and Pre-vis trailer for the game Kung Fu Story is explained throughout.
After one year of releasing the game “What Remains of Edith Finch”, Giant Sparrow has released some really interesting content about their game. On a blogpost on their website you can find a Greenlight pitch trailer, a game design document and a moodboard.
Translation of Hideo Kojima’s original vision for Metal Gear Solid 2. The translation was done by Marc Laidlaw and screen captures (Game Plan) by
Jesse Johnson.
The Playstation extended play website has a great background story about the pitch for Guacamelee. Drinkbox studio’s artist Augusto Quijano gives some insight about his initial idea’s for the game and how the game was developed from then on.
Arnold Rauers (TiNYTOUCHTALES) has released the pitch for a SpongeBob burger card game which was proposed to Nickelodeon. A prototype for the game can even be played from this webpage. This prototype later evolved into Miracle Merchant game.
Mikael Segedi, a game designer and project manager has linked some intriguing game design documents from his website. The ones from Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2, Tron and Silent Hill were new for me, but the other ones are also interesting to read. This is his complete list:
The design documents for Narbacular Drop, created by Nuclear Monkey Software, can still be found on the website of DigiPen Institute of Technology.
The original developers showed the Narbacular Drop game to Valve, which offered to let them develop it’s successor Portal at Valve. On this website several different kind of documents about the game can be found (Docs section) as well as the finished game (Downloads section).