Design Documents
- Remember Me (GBA RPG) Demo Documents, Assets and Soundtrack
- Wasteland 2 Vision Document
- Destiny and Halo UX/UI designs
- The Chronicles of Spellborn artbook
- Dirty Bomb (from Splash Damage) game design doc, art book and soundtrack
- Azrael’s Tear game design documents
- Ninja Theory Documents
- Early concept docs for What Remains of Edith Finch
- Deus Ex Design document and Thief 4 Submission Document
- Sam & Max: Hit the Road design document
- Rogue Legacy Design Notes
- Captain Claw Game Design Document
- Apocalypse Now game design document
- Starfox 2 Design Documents and Manual
- List of Game Design Documents (Fallout, Tron, Silent Hill and more)
- Narbacular Drop (Portal predecessor) documents
- Double Fine Productions Game Design Documents from Lee Petty
- Game design documents and pitches from designer Thomas Grové (Street Fighter IV: Flashback and more)
- Pid game design document from Might and Delight
- Game design documents from designer Richard Hill-Whittall
- Design document for the original GTA (Race’n’Chase)
- The Insomniac game that never was: Monster Knight
- Development journals Prince of Persia and Karateka
- The Doom Bible
- Classic LucasArts Game Design Documents
- WipEout Game Design Document
- Saints Row Undercover GDD and walkthrough
- Monaco Game Design Document
- Mythos Pitch
- Azrael’s Tear game design documents
- The Flame in the Flood pitch
- Ninja Theory Documents
- Early concept docs for What Remains of Edith Finch
- Metal Gear Solid 2 Grand Game Plan
- Guacamelee! design pitch
- Pitch for a SpongeBob card game by TiNYTOUCHTALES
- List of Game Design Documents (Fallout, Tron, Silent Hill and more)
- Narbacular Drop (Portal predecessor) documents
- Chris Sawyer’s Transport Tycoon Pitch and snippets of source code
- Game design documents and pitches from designer Thomas Grové (Street Fighter IV: Flashback and more)
- Game design documents from designer Richard Hill-Whittall
- Planescape Torment Vision Statement
- The Monster Island Pitch from Irrational Games
- Shred Nebula Pitch and Gameplay Documents
- Grim Fandango Puzzle Document
- Classic LucasArts Game Design Documents
- Bioshock Pitch document by Irrational Games
- Diablo 1 pitch